Last weeks shoot.
I would never have believed that there such a dramatic landscape so close the Melbourne. I had visited some 20 years ago but had forgotten this location.
After two trips down the coastal track on mountain bikes I had around 300 frames to edit. Shot for HDR conversion I was attempting the “big” seascape type of shot with a big sky. Conditions were good but the sky was impressive for only a short time. I will work with the remaining images next week and eventually settle on a few for the production line and online shop.
Thanks to Marshall and Luie for accompanying me on the dark trip back after sunset.
Amazing photography guys. and what a lucky timing with the sunset. not long ago was i at the pinnacles for a geography excursion, and i must say, i was begging to take my SLR down where these were taken. how did you guys manage such a climb to the bottom?
22/5/’10 8:50pm Riley Hefron
Thanks Riley,
Although not advisable, the climb to the bottom was not too bad at The Pinnacles. Climbing back up after the sun had set proved more of a challenge however.